DR.. series AC motors (1 speed)

We offer you the ideal AC motor for any requirement: 2, 4, 6 and 8-pole motors, with powers of 0.09 kW to 225 kW and in the efficiency classes IE1 to IE4. Test us and the motors of the DR../DRN/DR2.. series in line or inverter operation!

IE1 to IE4 motors: efficient, powerful and usable worldwide

DR../DRN/DR2.. series AC motors
DR../DRN/DR2.. series AC motors
DR../DRN/DR2.. series AC motors

With the DR../DRN/DR2.. modular motor systems, we implement millions of drive combinations and move different systems and machines, worldwide.

It is easy to find the ideal energy-efficient motor for your application at SEW-EURODRIVE. The DR../DRN/DR2.. series has a suitable design in its range for the globally applicable efficiency classes IE1 to IE4: DRS../DR2S for IE1, DRN.. for IE3 and DRU.. for IE4. Select the power, voltage and frequency within this motor design and you have already taken care of the most important selection criteria.

Are you missing IE2 motors in our range? You don't have to - because the DRN.. motors in IE3 are their perfect successor. The weight and dimensions of the new DRN.. IE3 motors are only marginally different from comparable IE2 motors. And the best thing is: the selling price of a DRN.. motor only differs from that of a DRE.. motor with the same performance in a few cases.

All other motor options are of course available independently of the efficiency class. A comprehensive braking concept and cost-optimized built-in encoders that are completely integrated into the motor ultimately complement the motor range.

The motors of the DR../DRN/DR2.. series comply with the most important standards worldwide and the various requirements of the local energy efficiency regulations in a power range from 0.09 to 225 kW.

Save time and optimize your motor selection, ordering and logistics processes. As a Global Player, we offer this range of products around the world.

Only half the solution without a gear unit? Then use our sophisticated modular system and combine an AC motor with a helical, parallel shaft, worm, bevel or SPIROPLAN® gear unit of your choice. All of these gear unit types are already available off-the-shelf, combined with gearmotors- optimised in terms of length, robust and perfectly tailored.

Of course, we also supply the right inverter technology for the controller and control. We develop and produce the drive electronics ourselves to the highest quality standards so that they are perfectly tailored to our motors and gearmotors, and to your application.

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  • Detailed information about your individual product
  • CAD data and documentation for your configuration
  • Direct order request or ordering
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Your benefits

  • Benefit from energy efficiency

    as the DR../DRN/DR2. series offers an appropriate design for each efficiency class and can therefore be used anywhere in the world.
  • Extend flexibility

    as the DR../DRN/DR2. modular motor system makes millions of drive combinations possible for you - individually tailored to your requirements.
  • Simpler to select the right motor

    because our range of motors comprises over 30 performance levels, which means there is a suitable motor for practically every application.

Energy efficiency

effiDRIVE® – save energy

The DR../DRN/DR2.. series offers the right motor for efficiency classes IE1, IE2, IE3 and IE4 in accordance with IEC 60034-30-1. The IE marking and efficiency as well as details on the available country approvals can be found on the nameplate.

Besides the products from the energy efficiency system, our effiDRIVE® energy-saving solutions also provide expert energy advice and a modular and customizable service. Find out more!

  • Type DRS../DR2S.. = IE1
    • 2, 4 and 6-pole
    • Power ratings of 0.09 kW to 225 kW
  • Type DRE..J = IE2
    • 4-pole
    • Power ratings of 0.37 kW to 5.5 kW
  • Type DRN.. = IE3
    • 2, 4, 6 and 8-pole
    • Power ratings of 0.09 kW to 225 kW
  • Type DRU...J = IE4
    • 4-pole
    • Power ratings of 0.18 kW to 4 kW

Regardless of the required energy efficiency class, all motor options and designs are equally available for all AC motors.

Driving the world

The world is our AC motors’ field of application. A motor design is available for each efficiency class. And, in turn, each motor type can be connected to the different energy grids around the world.

"Global Motor" - unique in the world of drive technology
The "Global Motor" from SEW-EURODRIVE simultaneously fulfills different local normative requirements and certifications.

Your benefit: Your systems can be operated in different countries with just one product. You save on your part, article or material numbers and reduce your spare parts inventory and logistical expenses.


  • DR../DRN/DR2.. motors support all global standards and norms
  • Motors for efficiency classes IE1 to IE4
  • Compact design saves space and costs
  • Significant time savings thanks to optimized processes in motor selection, order processing, and logistics
  • Future-proof, also as regards environmental protection (standards)
  • The “global motor” combines many energy efficiency regulations and laws in one design: the DR.. series
  • Reduction in operating costs when using energy-efficient motors; our energy-efficient motors conform to the efficiency classes
    • Standard Efficiency (IE1)
    • High Efficiency (IE2)
    • Premium Efficiency (IE3)
    • Super Premium Efficiency (IE4)
  • Comprehensive braking concept and combinations i.e. up to three different brake sizes per motor size featured in the range
  • Cost-optimized built-in encoders fully integrated into the motor

Technical data

Excerpt from the technical description

Close table
  Frequency 50 Hz Frequency 60 Hz
Connection D / Y D / Y YY / Y or DD / D
Standard voltages
230/400 V or
220 / 380 or
380 / 660,
254 / 440,
266 / 460 or
277 / 480
220 / 440,
230 / 460
IE3 global motor
Standard voltages
220 – 240 / 380 – 415,
220 – 230 / 380 – 400
380 – 400 / 660 – 690
254 – 277 / 440 – 480
254 – 266 / 440 – 460
We have stored a table for you here.
Close table
IE grade Number of poles Motor type
at frequency of 50 Hz at frequencies of 60 Hz and 50/60 Hz
IE1 2-pole DR2S..
56 – 80
0.18 – 1.5 0.18 – 1.5 0.25 – 2
4-pole 0.09 – 1.1 0.09 – 1.1 0.10 – 1.5
6-pole 0.09 – 0.55 0.09 – 0.55 0.10 – 0.75
IE1 2-pole DR2S..
71 - 132
0.37 – 9.2 0.37 – 9.2 0.50 – 12.3
4-pole DR2S..
71 - 315
0.18 – 200 0.18 – 200 0.25 – 225
6-pole DR2S..
71 - 160
0.25 – 7.5 0.25 – 7.5 0.33 – 10
IE2 4-pole DRE..J
71 – 100
0.37 – 5.5
IE3 2-pole DRN..
63 - 132
0.18 – 7.5 0.18 – 7.5 0.25 – 10
4-pole DRN..
63 - 315
0.12 – 200 0.12 – 225 0.15 – 300
6-pole DRN..
63 - 160
0.09 – 7.5 0.09 – 7.5 0.10 – 10
8-pole DRN..
71 - 80
0.09 – 0.25 0.09 – 0.25 0.10 – 0.34
IE4 4-pole DRU...J 0.18 – 4
Energy efficiency specifications
on the nameplate
  • The nameplate contains the respective information on the local efficiency regulations, e.g. the marking according to IEC
  • IE classification with numerical value of efficiency during line operation for 50 Hz and 60 Hz
  • USA: ee label (by DoE, Department of Energy, EISA 2007)
  • Canada: CSA (Energy Verified) label (EER 2010)
  • China: CEL label (GB 18613)
  • Brazil: ENCE label
  • South Korea: KEL label in accordance with REELS 2010
  • India: BIS label
Additional information on the nameplate
  • Complies with U.S. design specification NEMA MG1
    • TEFC, TEBC, TENV depending on the type of ventilation
    • K.V.A. code, code letters of the short circuit apparent power
    • M.L. (Mounting Location), four-digit code of the UL-registered mounting location
    • Design code, code letters for start-up behavior, as well as breakdown torque and starting current ratio
  • Temperature range complies with Canadian design specification CSA C22.2
    • SEW-EURODRIVE approval up to a maximum of + 40°C
    • Efficiency in accordance with CSA C390
    • Information regarding operation on frequency inverter
  • Conformity and certification logo from
    • Europe: CE label
    • USA: UR label (from UL)
    • Canada: CSA label
    • China: CCC label according to GB 12350, if necessary (depends on power rating)
    • EAC: Eurasian conformity (as of March 2015)
We have stored a table for you here.

Areas of application

  • Can be used worldwide in all industries
  • Logistics conveyor belts of all sizes
  • Lifting applications
  • Applications that require control accuracy
  • Applications that require a mechanical fail-safe brake
  • Positioning tasks with integrated or mounted encoders
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Inverter technology

Learn more
As of January 1, 2015, all 2, 4, and 6-pole asynchronous motors with a power rating of 7.5 kW or higher that are put on the market in the European Union, Switzerland or Turkey must meet the requirements for efficiency class IE3.
The IE3 AC motors of the DRN.. series

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As of January 1, 2015, all 2, 4, and 6-pole asynchronous motors with a power rating of 7.5 kW or higher that are put on the market in the European Union, Switzerland or Turkey must meet the requirements for efficiency class IE3.


Now switch to IE3 DRN.. AC motors. Just as small, compact and light as IE2 motors.

Temperature sensor

New PK temperature sensor (PT1000)

Modern PT1000 temperature sensors replace the KTY sensors.


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